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About us

XuongVietNam is one of the largest manufacturing communities in Vietnam. Currently Xuongvietnam has 10,000 factory owners covering 63 provinces and cities throughout Vietnam. XuongVietNam is a production startup branch of the Vietnamese startup community KNVN . 

KNVN was established in 2013 where nearly 300,000 entrepreneurs live and interact.

XuongVietNam.com is a channel that introduces products of 10,000 manufacturers worldwide in English version. All products on xuongvietnam are inspected by the KNVN community management board. Manufacturers on xuongvietnam are checked for clear and transparent information by the KNVN management board. Less reputable manufacturers will be continuously eliminated from the Xuongvietnam system. 

XuongVietNam.com aims to become the most prestigious manufacturer community in Vietnam and Southeast Asia

Xuongvietnam Management Board!

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